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Annual General Meeting
We would like to invite you to our Annual General Meeting to be held at 67 Plender Street, London, NW1 0LB.
New trustees will be elected at the AGM so If you are interested in becoming a trustee of St Pancras Community Association, please let us know on the contact details below asap. We can then talk in more detail and put your name forward for election. We have a meeting every 6 weeks, but trustees may be needed for other events and are encouraged to volunteer for community events. Everyone has a valuable contribution to the trustee board, and it’s an opportunity to create a tangible difference locally. It is a voluntary rather than paid opportunity, but we do offer expenses.
Agenda for the AGM:
· Welcome and Introduction
· House-keeping
· Update on the centre
· Overview of the draft strategy
o Introducing our vision, mission and workstreams
· Financial report and signing off accounts
· Review of the Constitution
· Election of Trustees
· Appreciation and Awards
· Refreshments and Networking
Please contact Gloria Obliana on 0207 380 1501 or email info@spca.org.uk if you wish to attend.

Christmas Fayre
Come down to the SPCA Christmas Fayre on Saturday 7th of December and join us for mulled wine, stalls, crafts, Santa’s Grotto and more!
If you would like to hire a stall for £20, then book via the following link:

Camden Fringe
St Pancras Community Association (SPCA) are opening its doors to run some comedy nights with Square Go Comedy!

SPCA Family Fun Day
Join us for an afternoon of family fun, with bouncy castles, music, games and a BBQ…

Prayer Facility Available
Jumm’ah Salah
Every Friday from 1:45pm
Come along and use our centre as a prayer Facility!
Men and women are welcome.
If you need more information and want to come along, please contact 07533789147 or 07875727176.

Sound Bath with Jill
Join Jill for a Sound Bath in Camden! A relaxing and rejuvenating experience at the S.P.C.A.

Little St Pancras Nursery Open Day
Come along to our Nursery Open Day and see what we have to offer!

Immigration Workshop
Need FREE Legal Advice
Would you like to learn more about your immigration rights and speak with a professional in the field?
St Pancras Community Association, in partnership with the University of Westminster Legal Advice Clinic on Tuesday 30 April 2024, 1-3pm. We will be giving a presentation on key immigration areas and your rights, followed by an opportunity to ask questions.
What we will be covering:
Spouse application – requirements to extend spouse visa, the financial threshold will increase from April 2024 including increase for Immigration Health Surcharge (access to NHS).
Naturalisation application to be recognised as a British citizen - the requirements and procedure including medical exemptions for the mandatory English Language and Life in the UK tests.

Afternoon Wellness
Afternoon Wellness
FREE Wellness Afternoon Spa
Enjoy, Indulge, Relax and leave feeling healthier and energised.
Any contribution towards our Wellness event would be greatly appreciated.
What We Offer:
Massage & Reflexology
Healthy Juices and Smoothies

Eid in the Field
Come along on Tuesday, 9th or Wednesday 10th of April (Subject to moon sighting).
Organised by the Camden Multicultural Community (CMC).
All brothers, Sisters and Children are welcome!
Bring your own prayer mat.

Housing Conditions - Know your rights workshop
Need FREE Legal Advice?
Housing Conditions - Know your rights workshop
Want to know more about your rights as a tenant? Do you have a housing issue you cannot resolve?
St Pancras Community Centre, in partnership with the University of Westminster Legal Advice Clinic, on Wednesday 27 March 2024, between 1-3pm. We will be giving a presentation on the law on housing conditions and what your rights are, followed by an opportunity to ask questions.
Come and Visit:
67 Plender Street, NW1 0LB.
We Would Love Your Feedback!
Hi there! We are looking to improve our facilities and services. As a user of our space, we would love your feedback. Please share your experiences with us. Thank you!